Kuwait - a hot country with great people

Arabia is not only one of the main markets where we operate, but also one of our favorites. Read the article about the experiences of our CEO Michal, who went to Kuwait as a guest of another international production this time.

#travel experiences 1 minute

One of Aliatrix's artists returned to beautiful Kuwait after a year. As a guest of a fellow group, he performed his light show with Visual poi and graphic staff. And as always, the event was full of experiences.

Just the journey to this exotic country was an experience. The plane from Vienna had almost 3 hours delay and the whole team missed the connecting flight from Turkey. The idea of a night spent at the old Istanbul airport wasn't exactly appealing. But looking back, everyone realizes that such experience is a part of traveling to the other side of the world.

After nearly 30 hours without sleep, the team arrived in Kuwait City, where instead of a well-deserved rest, there was a stage rehearsal and the opening light show.

Although all the performers were really tired, the show turned out great. The audience was satisfied, the client was thrilled.

The first light show and what next?

With the daytime temperatures in Kuwait hovering around 50 degrees Celsius, the only way to enjoy the beauties of this country is at night. It's no surprise then, that even relaxing in the sea, for example, can only be done after sunset.

So the artists went out at about 1:30 a.m. to take a dip. The beautiful sand beach was crowded. A very unusual sight to see hundreds of people enjoying swimming in the sea at night. Even at this time the temperature did not fall below forty degrees Celsius and although the sea was rather hot, it was still a great cool down.

 Noční koupání v Kuwait City

The second working day was already in a relaxed atmosphere, with all the artists enjoying not only the audience, but also the artistic interplay, as it was the first time they performed together. The audience enjoyed the light show very much.

At night, the performers enjoyed a great hookah by the Czech company Meduse. It is a beautiful and proud feeling to know that the Czech Republic is creating hookahs that are among the most prestigious in the entire Arab world.

Although it was only three days, it was a lovely nostalgic return. Aliatrix is in fact celebrating its first year of existence and Kuwait was the first international event in 2018. Same city, the same hotel, just a different team and lots of new experiences.

Michal has been sharing the whole trip on Aliatrix instagram, so check it out.

We are very happy that we get to travel around the world doing what we love and we're already looking forward to going back to Kuwait, as it is always a special trip with significant, lifelong experiences.

About the author

Michal Halačka
Michal Halačka

He has been in the world of show business since 2008. He has performed in more than 700 shows on three continents. During his career, he has become the vice-champion of the Czech Republic in fire performance and represented the Czech Republic in the International Juggling Association. Since 2015 he has been an actor at the Hybernia Theater. He is also a moderator who has been through several Czech radio stations and is currently a freelance. He is co-owner of Aliatrix, where he is not only the CEO but also co-creator of some big projects.

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